ABOUT US / What we do? /


(Turkish Cogeneration Association )


CogenTURK is a member of COGEN EUROPE (www.cogeneurope.eu) and was established in 1998 in Istanbul. Its principal goal is to work towards the wider use of cogeneration in Turkey for a sustainable energy future. Cogeneration or Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is the most efficient way to deliver heating, cooling and electricity. It is based on the simultaneous production of electricity and thermal energy, both of which are used. The central and most fundamental principle of cogeneration is that, in order to maximize the many benefits that arise from it, systems should be based on the heat demand of the application.

Mission of CogenTURK is to promote and encourage the use of “Combined Heat and Power” (Cogeneration); contribute and facilitate suggestions to legal infrastructure in order to support implementation and help reduce greenhouse gases emissions to atmosphere by using this technology. 

Below are additional scope of engagement and responsibilities of CogenTURK:


YEKA Tenders in Turkey

Tender for the Wind Energy Renewable Energy Resource Area (YEKA) project highlights many important aspects of Turkey's domestic and renewable energy s...

Turkey Installed Power, 2016

In Turkey hydro power is the biggest part of the installed power capacity followed by natural gas. Renewable investement is growing rapidly and rec...

Cogen Europe Snapshot Survey 2016 Version

Click to reach Cogen Europe Snapshot Survey 2016....
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